Together with you, we want to develop your individual values, which will enable you to firmly establish yourself in your artistic field.

In order to accomplish this goal, we are working with you on the following steps:
      • Positioning: We identify those intrinsic values which make you stand out. The idea is to work out how you want the public to perceive you and your work.
      • Promotion: Creating and communicating expectations for your audience.
      • Indoctrination: With the proper positioning and promotion, your skill and excellent reputation will precede you.
      • Conversion: The result of the branding process are a higher degree of name recognition and more concert engagements.
Following these steps, we have already successfully positioned the following artists (among others):


Conductor | Baritone | Pilot

  • individual website design
    (incl. social media and content management system)
  • Image video with focus on the development of the personality
    taking into account their musical approach and their success
  • Arranging concert engagements and concert tours

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In cooperation with Innolytics, we have created a modern innovation tool which lets you take control of your future and helps you establish yourself as a vanguard in the area of audience development.
By doing so, you are gradually and permanently building a creative community which you can tie to your institution through constant dialogue and active participation.
Additional advantages are:
    • development of a business model with lower risks
    • the ability to use new types of financing

Together with you, we

    • analyse your environment
    • develop and produce custom-tailored communication channels
      and social media tools
    • conduct classical public relations work



For your goals we have developed the GRAVITY CREATOR method. NO-TE takes artists and music institutions to a new level of perception among the public, critics and industry experts. Use NO-TE’s network and marketing tools to spread your musical message. Our strength is our strategy; we design campaigns that attract attention.

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· Recognizing potentials and promoting them individually and methodically, using state-of-the Arts methods

· Audience Development through Innovation Management, Brand Identity Development & Culture Entrepreneurship Strategies

· Design/Developing new concert series incl. Education programs